Thursday, August 29, 2013

Poisoning 100 wedding party

Preliminary tests confirm that over 100 wedding party, who took part in a wedding ceremony in the village Cakran Gorishove in Fier are poisoned by meat dishes and mainly from the food first served. While three days have passed from the wedding, adults and children continue to be in hospital medical care Fier. Some of them are treated in hospital Ballsh, while there are those patients who returned to hospital. "As of 24:00 pm Tuesday 17 were present admitted to the ward for infectious diseases and 24 children, who were in pediatrics. Turns out that almost all cases we asked came from the first plate consumption and in this part of the investigation that we are because it seems to become flesh, and Roast meatballs, "says Adrian Hoxha, director of SLI.   It is not the first case of food poisoning partygoers products that were served in restaurants where the marriage ceremony place. While inspectors National Food Authority have arrived on the scene in parallel with the hygiene inspectors and confirm closure of the activity of this restaurant. But according to their restaurant owner simply providing food product while the premises are brought by relatives who organize the marriage ceremony. The police has accompanied her family's wedding to further investigate where the products were purchased food and beverages including What condition are they held prior to be sent to the restaurant.

Fog Rolling Over Long Range Mountains In Lark Harbour Newfoundland

A giant wave of gloom descended rapidly from an unusual site of the mountain to the town's Neëfoundland in Canada by creating a stunning natural spectacle, TCH reports. A part of the show is filmed by a group of young people. Video is on the web and within a few days has caught thousands of clicks. The scene is the other side, gives the impression as if dying land being covered by a tsunami.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Emigrant was hidden in the bumper!

Majlinda Kelmendi is worlds

Majlinda Kelmendi won the gold medal at the World Cup, which is being held in Rio de Janeiro. Kosovo judoka in 52 kg category final, defeated the Brazilian, Erika Miranda. Majlinda won by ippon (100 points). Majlinda Kelmendi has not stopped. Once adorned with a gold medal in judo tournament prestigious 'Ëorld Masters', which was held in the Russian city of Tyumen, Kosovo judoka has achieved another good result. To reach the finals, has developed four Mrs.Majlinda war. Initially it was positioned randomly in a bowl in the category up to 52 kilograms. Kelmendi in the first round qualify without war, while defeated in the second round xhudisten from Portugal, Joana Ramos. Pejane in the second fight was successful after defeating France's Priscilla Gneto. She successfully passed the third challenge of beating gjermanen Maureen A. Kraeh, where the winner came vazos A. In the semifinals of the competition, Peja judoka faced by Japan's Yuki Hashimoto, which managed to successfully overcome.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Venus rejoins slope?

The model and singer, Untitled, has fueled speculation that it may be united again with her ​​former fiance, Dragonforce. Albanian Beauty has used her official profile on Facebook to post a photo when viewed together with the singer from Macedonia. To remove doubts that the profile can be hacked, as many times before, there is the 'consent' to 'like' that made sister Venus, echo Dreshaj. Untitled and Dragonforce a year ago materialized their romance with the betrothal, which then resulted in the division, following the publication of photographs of Beauty in a yacht with Leonardo Di Caprio.

Dafina: Tuna has eaten m .. for my

Dafina Zeqiri nuk është e njëjta si në daljet publike ashtu edhe në ato private. Përkundrazi, kur është larg syrit të njerëzve këngëtarja nga Kosova nuk kursen as ofendimet e rënda në drejtim të kolegëve të saj, me të cilët edhe ka bashkëpunuar më parë. Kështu, në një bisedë private, e cila është bërë publike nga Besfort Hasanaj, Dafina Zeqiri rrëfehet për raportet e saj me këngëtarët e estradës, përkatësisht me Tunën. "Se unë kam ni kohëve të fundit, më falni në shprehje, se Tuna kish hëngër goxha shumë m.. për mu. Unë e kam pas idenë për këngën dhe në fund ata kompozitorët e kanë marrë idenë teme. Kemi pas probleme të shumta dhe ajo shumë është një femër dyfytyrëshe", ka thënë Dafina për këngëtaren nga Shkupi, shkruan Express. Më tej, në këtë regjistrim ajo thotë se ka vuajtur shumë gjatë incizimit të këngës me Tunën dhe se ka hequr të zitë e ullirit nga ajo, përderisa ka thënë se me të vetmin njeri që flet shlirë për të është këngëtarja dhe modelja Afërdita Dreshaj. Dafina, që pa modesti në këto biseda e quan vetën të "famshme" thotë se ajo nuk jep më intervista për gazeta pa i jep para, edhe pse ishin këto gazeta dhe media që i jepen famë Dafinës që në fillim të karrierës së saj. "Tash nëpër gazeta nuk dal sepse ju thashë po i shitni gazetat për tri euro ose dy euro dhe ju po fitoni sepse fytyra e ime është në faqe të parë", ka deklaruar Dafina Zeqiri.

Dritan Hoxha's daughter - comes back with "Lamborgini" in town

Apparently, she also like her late father, is passionate sports cars. We're talking about Lori, daughter of Dritan Hoxha great, founder of "New Media". When Lori turned 18 years old, received as a gift from his mother machine "Lamborgini", which say that it costs somewhere around 150 thousand euros.Naturally, with such a beautiful car, Lori can not pass unnoticed. As in this picture that has captured our paparazzi, where many street kuriozohen bystanders who may be driving in a car so expensive.

Monday, August 26, 2013

24-year-old defies police, goes to 265 km / h

Although the patent is to remove excess speed is a 24-year-old said in court that he would return to drive and this time they will find it difficult to take him. "Will I go I drive, I can come catch me," said Shiad Mahmoon who was arrested after walking American ngapolicia his car Audi R8 Spyder speed milometra 265 per hour. To stop autommjetit police had to ndqite him by helicopter.

A wedding mafia in China!

This is a marriage of gangsters in China where instead of luxury cars like Ferrari or Lamborgini preferable Hummer. A wedding that had more impact on the public by calculating the range of luxury cars and money spent on it. The uniqueness of this wedding was the age difference of 30 years the couple. He was 50, she 20!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Elvana Gjata on Zone Club

Last night, the singer from Albania, Linkin Park performed in Zone Club in the capital where present were a large number of her fans and where the atmosphere is heated to the maximum. Elvana in social networks expressed excitement and appreciation for the hospitality that has been made ​​already, something which has excited much is the presence of a bride in her concert. In a video published Elvana seen being embraced by a new bride who appears after the wedding feast, is heading toward the concert area Elvanes Club. "It is those special cases where it can not react. There is nothing more beautiful, Teuta Jashari, a bride in my concert celebrating "wrote Elvana on Facebook.

This may change your life

This video push you to think differently Life

Venus and caught slope mat, back together again?

In one of the many profiles Dragonforce name on facebook, which also has the most friends and njdjekës, but it is not known whether administered by it, there is a change in the content of photos. In the cover photo and profile files are located, where the former Untitled couple and Dragonforce are bashkë.Përveq this does not give any other explanation. Answers were not returned as curious fans who follows pictures, through comments, wondering if the couple is doing bashkëNdërsa even greater doubt that the couple can be united, comes across a comment on Tëitter, by Aphrodite. It posts the last one, made shortly after the publication of news, giving to understand that they both continue to stand apart. Venus, not very clear, wrote only three words, which said that there is no agreement madh.Çifti split a few days after the publication of some pictures where Venus was seen on a yacht with Hollywood actor Leonardo Di Caprio.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tune to bird strikes Labi

One of the legendary Albanian singers of pop-folk, Labinot Tahiri Tune and criticized the phenomenon of using the word 'bird' as a synonym of genital mutilation. The singer known for his albums and successful super big hits that have left asleep in Albanian music, sharply attacked Tune and 'bird' her. It seems that during a concert audience asked Tune famous songs, known for provocative gestures, but Labi seems to be more angry and his anger was flat to the public. He said that never in his career would not use the word banal scene with Albanian traditions and challenged other countries and not with anti-Albanian gestures.

Letters of an Egyptian father, Erdogan makes you cry

Letters of an Egyptian father who lost his 17 year old daughter has watery Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The letter was written by Mohamed Al-Beltag, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, which among other Esmanë spoke to his daughter, who had died. Even the reporter was unable to react, his face looked as Prime Minister trying to wipe away tears. Prime Minister Erdogan with difficulty gathered himself and said that he was thinking about his children, who do not see very often after going home late because of work load. Paper published in social networks to express his sense of his only daughter: "My dear girl and teacher paçmim ... I gave it no farewell, nor did I said "see you tomorrow". You jetove and dying standing to challenge cruelty. Rejecting all obstacles, you fall in love with freedom. You have been looking for new horizons in silence, in order to revive the Muslim Ummah, and to finish, so that it take its rightful place in the course of civilization. You do not interest to those you interest to your friends'. You had dogged desire for learning and knowledge, even though you were always good at school. During these days of your short life, I have not had enough time to talk to you. I did not have enough time to enjoy life with you. When we stood together in Rabat al-Adawiya Square, you just complained: "You are away from us even when we are together." I said, "That will not be enough for us to stay together. I ask Allah to grant us the opportunity to meet in Paradise, and there can stay together and have time for each other, how to love. " I saw in a dream dress nusesh, two days before the fall martyrdom. You looked extremely beautiful. When let down by me, the asked: "Is your wedding night?" And you just answer: "My marriage will not be in the evening, it will be at noon." Now I understand what the word church, as a new martyr to this Wednesday. I ask Allah to accept as a martyrdom. Your Martyrdom has reinforced our belief that we are on track and our enemies are lost. I feel extremely sorry that I could not be with you in a final farewell. I could not see you and kiss you on the forehead last time, and I prayed honor of your funeral. Merciless bullets passed through the chest, while you're resist cruelty. What great determination and spirit have been pleased. I believe that you have been faithful to your promise to Allah, and He is faithful to His promise to you. This is why in our country, God gave them martyrdom you. Finally my dear daughter and mistress paçmim ... I never said goodbye, or see you tomorrow ... Our meeting will be on the banks of Kewther fountain in Paradise, near the Prophet and his companions, in an honored position and close to Allah. A meeting where we will have time for each other, forever.

Russian amphibious ship floated on the beach shores in Kaliningrad

A Russian military ship has arrived at the sea shore, the beach filled with tourists's Kaliningrad in the Baltic Sea, with enormous speed, raising the water and sand. The defense ministry has communicated that it is not an incident, but for normal maneuvers and areas where the first ship is a military zone. Media report that there were no injuries from the incident.

Raining Cash Helicopter drops Money over Lewes Harbor Marina

Raining Cash Helicopter drops Money over Lewes Harbor Marina Delaware as Dead Man Leonard Maull last Wish $10,000 Raining Cash Helicopter drops Money over Lewes Harbor Marina as Dead Mans last Wish | $10,000 Raining Cash Helicopter drops Money over Lewes Harbor as Dead Mans last Wish | $10,000 | Raining cash Helicopter drops Money over delaware Marina as Dead Mans last Wish | $10,000 Raining Cash $10,000 dropped from helicopter in Delaware LEWES, Del., Aug. 20 (UPI) -- Authorities in Delaware said the $10,000 dropped from a helicopter to shocked harbor visitors was part of a dead person's last wish.

Tune birthday: Congratulations on unusual for facebook

Tune birthday was celebrated on July 15 and all were released to congratulate him. But a fan had made ​​her more unusual wishes to notifies albtime. See to that question.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wedding Drenica invades social networks

A wedding video is making its online lap. Couple Suhera boiling and have chosen different from the usual ones to mark their wedding. Their extraordinary scenario has made ​​this video in one day take over 30 thousand clicks on you-tube. Wedding is done at the restaurant in Drenas Nobel and also in the singing of Haradinaj Rugova.

1300 people, women and children killed by Assad's chemical weapons

The world today has been terrorized by the images coming out of Syria where the use of military poisons by Assad's army on the outskirts of Damascus, 1300 people died as they slept in their beds, albtime reports. Activists have accused Syrian President al-Assad Basahar to use nerve gas and is acknowledged as used previously in two-year civil war in this country. In the following picture you present some preferred not to be seen by sensitive persons and children under 16 years.

There are only 20 years and weighs 610 pounds

Saudi King Abdullah has publicly asked the 20-year-old boy to solve his problem in hospital. To have one bed pritr six months. It is an honorable Khalid Mohsin Shaeri that weighs 610 kilograms. Because of its great weight two and a half years has been "glued" to the bed. As notify relatives of Khalid problem with obesity without of his birth, but this time his house is raised by crane. "Every day is getting worse," said his cousin Nase Makeen Reuters. To have broken wall made ​​outside of his house and his bed was brought from the U.S.. FamilyLines thanked the king for help.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

This phenomenon has not escaped the Albania

Are nationals, which have a certain education, can have a job and use this as a second profession. In case you are registered, prostitutes and luxury may be what kind of lingerie category which is well educated, has a certain experience in exercise activity that has a sort of tutor instruction on how to conduct, giving the details the client what has social position, says Elton Shima, specialist anti-trafficking.

Golf 1 vs Porsche

With the arrival of the new president's team spark merkaton vijopn for summer reinforcements. Besides Albanian players, the team has already expanded Tetovo map summer transfer window. We are talking about two Brazilians: Andre Vinicius Marques and Lucas Henrique Marquez, football talents Selecao. So far there has been no signature yet but if the spark between the parties fails to take two Brazilians would then be a superekip.

Beware when girlfriend learn to hunt with Kalashnikovs

It is good to learn before you throw the girlfriend of a Kalashnikov AK-47 must ensure that this gun not directed at you while you're recording with camera moments during firing weapons. The boy you see in the video was regret that the girl handed weapon. Once fired several shots, young girlfriend asked if they had finished cartridges. "Shoot and again," he said of love. "Do not know" answers it and shoots and 2-3 times to make sure that the cartridges were finished. After the last shot, the gun ran to her boyfriend thinking that bullets had finished. The latter, frightened to the core, girlfriend says: "Press the security button. For nearly killed me. "But girls turn: "Calm down. Although it would be better had I been shot. "

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wedding singer on the front cover

The economic crisis that has swept across the world almost seems to feel no fun when it comes ot. In such cases do not save money, especially at a wedding. This is best illustrated by the video, which qarkollon on youtube from the date 08/16/2013. It sees the singer covered with money, as decorated New Year tree. At one point during the wedding singer of popular music shkupian Aziz Murad wedding party surrounded by some that never cease to be covered by it ALL. Obviously, this has been a night "white" for the guests at the wedding Azisin made ​​in Aracinovo village.

Pollat Alemdar

Josefina Topalli son, on the beach with girlfriend

Genar Topalli, Parliament Speaker Topalli boy was seen in the company of the model Eva Murad Dhërmi beach. She has published several photos on her Facebook page. Photos are commented by friends of the model. Questions which is a person who accompanies the beach Dhërmi, she replied that her boyfriend is. Murad claimed in her tight circle of society that for some time she and Genar Topalli have a love connection. Beauty works as models for the company Grace Petrovic, while in the above photo gallery you can see some photos of the two.

Tuna celebrates the birthday of beloved

The rapper known Cozman last night celebrating his birthday along with his girlfriend and some friends Tune from burlesque. They are assembled in a closed environment seen singing and celebrating. Meanwhile, his girlfriend Tuna care to be his birthday as the most beautiful setting in the background of their joint song "Fenix​​" or "bird" as we are used to refer to quotes Indeksonline. In this clip, she and Cozman seen in almost intimate moments with each other so it seems that it has meant for him to make it even more on his birthday. Whereas, in its profile in Instagram it has published a picture that shows up with a cake on stage together with Cozman.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Angela Martini shooting with Photographer Shpend Salihu

Norah jones hot dance with her sister

Singer Norah Jones has posted on the social networking website "Instagram" where you can see a video of dancing being happy to go out with a friend to her. Its movements during the hottest dance make this look sexy singer. Nora is seen jumping near a swimming pool, but no one knows where it is. Shortly after posting this video, have "flooded" comments its followers to "Instragaram" who komplimendojnë him jump and appearance.

What made ​​you look kosovo police partygoers to a wedding in pec

See what you'd Kosovo Police made ​​between a road that is being done weddings in Peja, all vehicles stop and see

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saranda and Vlora storm swept, blocks holidaymakers on the beach

About 80 holidaymakers have been trapped since the beach 14:30 Statements in Saranda. Vacationers can not move because of deteriorating weather emergency, storm and big waves. It is learned that some vacationers, among them women and children, have been on the coast, while the rest were in boats, at the time when the area is covered by a wind storm and heavy rain. Vacationers have immediately sought police assistance, which arrived on the scene and working to evacuate them, one by one, the rope through the mountain slope. Police sources confirmed that all tourists are in good health. VLORË-face swell to 4 Bad weather has included Saturday morning Vlora, with dense rain rain and hail. According to recent information, verified by flooding rainfall in Cold Water area, while inside breast waves reached up to 4 face. Meanwhile, the bad weather were created long queues of vehicles on the streets of the seaside town, Top-Channel report witnessing the scene. Heavy rain has attracted vacationers to beaches and sheltered in hotels and homes. Weather Update and its accompanying Cloudy was announced earlier this week by meteorologists, after a period of maximum temperature, which reached up to 38 degrees Celsius. Bad weather has also gripped Macedonia and the Balkans

In Kukes again hit with stones buses Kosovo

A bus with students Kosovo, which was traveling from Kukes Morine border crossing point to Kukes was stoned during the trip. The incident happened at a place called "Rexhepaj", about 10 kilometers away from the town of Kukes, BW reports. According to information before it is known that the bus was stoned by breaking a glass window from the right wing by terrified passengers. From this incident, thankfully there were no injuries among the passengers who immediately notified police. The latter has just taken and denouncing went to the scene and is currently working to find the author or authors of this event. The first data that confirmed the blue department, says that at the time of the event some children have been grazing cattle on the upper road. The same sources say that the students were returning from vacation on the coast where thousands of refugees daily commute. So far there is no accompanied to the police station, but the police investigation continues. Shot bus or other vehicle with stones is not a new phenomenon. Often tourists in the fall booty of these actions adversely affecting not only to tourists but also self tourist season.

Albanian boys annoy Switzerland

Some young Albanians ironic state of Switzerland. During the moments that they are applying for a passport in a municipal office, one of them removes Swiss flag by replacing tables and Albanian, and saying that the only way to become Swiss, one rejoices in the news that will get done Swiss citizenship. Jokes in this video for a national MP's SVP, Oskar Freysinger, are madness and the message of this video, he is destructive alike. Also Albanian A. Luke, who had announced the editorial in question, says he is angry with these images.

Pristina, cars split in half

A serious accident occurred in downtown Pristina nearby restaurant "Allegro". A car hit an oak Lamburghini type. Witnesses from the scene indicate that the vehicle Indeksonline was launched with a speed where he lost control and she had managed to stop only when faced with an oak. The driver of the car was injured and taken to UCC, learn Indeksonline sources.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Horror in Egypt, holds hands high and shoot

From Egypt every day come reports of massacres of hundreds of demonstrators who die, the military wants to quell violent protests after the coup that overthrew President Mohamed Morsi. Recently a video has flooded the world, which is seen hitting a police to the peaceful demonstrators, who sits comfortably with hands raised up, in front of a tank. Shooting is done by phone. One commentator said of the video: "It was my friend, Ahmed Ahim, one of the best guys I know. Was telecommunications engineer, had a family, a boy and a girl. "

Terrible: Assist the wounded, the lead voice

Egypt is at war. This is verified pictures and videos posted on social networks. YouTube is a video which shows how the bullet hit a man who wants to send a safer place to another wounded. After bloody clashes on Wednesday, in which according to official figures have killed more than 600 people and wounded four others allegedly, even yesterday was marked by violence.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Only Albanians make counterfeit passports with such fantasy

A forged passport in Albania World and stuck at a border point. Such a passport can only invent the mind of a forger, because there is no world passports, passport has only states, and diplomatic service. Such forgeries were not lacking fantasy in our country. "We have devised fantasy documents. We named Rhodesia passport, issued by the state of Rhodesia, while there is no country named Rhodesia, but today we Zimbabwe. Or have a passport issued by the Republic of Satan. A case in point is a global passport which is called identification. So is a document produced by fantasy. This is one of dozens of cases that we have found in our office. Are stopping people who have mastered these documents at the border and arrived for examination in our institution, "says Victor Heydari, Head of Forensic Laboratory Division. Have fallen victim to counterfeiting senior officials who were copied signatures. "Having a long experience in this work have been cases that the state the highest peaks to people easier. Since the pyramid of the state to the simple citizen. We have examined here forging firm Prime Minister of Albania, mayor, city court president, police directors, etc., "says Mr. Heydari. For Mr. Heydari state should increase the security elements in official documents. "I suggest that important documents state should implement safeguards in the documents they produce. For example, a document coming from the Prime Minister could not come up with a simple sheet of A4 format that is sold in the market, but should come with a sheet of A4 format must have at least one security feature that is filigree ", states it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

24-year-old defies police, goes to 265 km / h

Although the patent is to remove excess speed is a 24-year-old said in court that he would return to drive and this time they will find it difficult to take him. "Will I go I drive, I can come catch me," said Shiad Mahmoon who was arrested after walking American ngapolicia his car Audi R8 Spyder speed milometra 265 per hour. To stop autommjetit police had to ndqite him by helicopter.

Shqipetarit with a rich and luxurious His Life In Dubai

Blerim Press that qualify as one of the richest eagle, which has a clothing line to himself owns a luxury home in one of the most beautiful and rich in Dubai

Look at how this guy is deceiving this girl and tear it

Family summer home of Meta

"Say it's villas where eels cooked better." With this sentence Sonila Meco program began its new "Agon Channel", which is named "Happy Hour" the first character that had the iron lady of politics, Monica Kryemadhi. Prominent journalist brought for the first time in the media, exclusive footage from the villa where he was reportedly parashkrua Albania fate ... As clearly seen in the above pictures, the couple's villa in Meta Lalzi Bay dominates the white, which combines beautiful , once the deep blue of the original tree once.

Tuna shows finally 'bird'

Once the crew and infinitely advertised 'her bird', being touched in public, video clips, or by calling the "best bird of krejtve" Tuna singer has partially exposed private parts on stage. During a concert in Presevo, as he sang before the fans, the Tune shorts were smaller and more narrow than necessary. This has led her to reveal the intimate, which are captured by the camera. Perhaps this has happened due to negligence or multiple movements singer performs during the performance, and Tuna still do not know how much is exposed. Tune undressing is 'crazy' especially her male fans who were numerous, who appear in the picture as enthusiastic cheering and applauding their favorite singer. Following the publication of the song "Fenix​​", in which Tuna sings 'bird', and that in time became a hit record this summer, the singer concert dates have peaked. She goes to concerts with Cozman, rapper from Kosovo with whom she collaborated on the song, and was rumored to have an affair which has not accepted Tuna confirm.

THROWN from the balcony of a building