Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tuna shows finally 'bird'

Once the crew and infinitely advertised 'her bird', being touched in public, video clips, or by calling the "best bird of krejtve" Tuna singer has partially exposed private parts on stage. During a concert in Presevo, as he sang before the fans, the Tune shorts were smaller and more narrow than necessary. This has led her to reveal the intimate, which are captured by the camera. Perhaps this has happened due to negligence or multiple movements singer performs during the performance, and Tuna still do not know how much is exposed. Tune undressing is 'crazy' especially her male fans who were numerous, who appear in the picture as enthusiastic cheering and applauding their favorite singer. Following the publication of the song "Fenix​​", in which Tuna sings 'bird', and that in time became a hit record this summer, the singer concert dates have peaked. She goes to concerts with Cozman, rapper from Kosovo with whom she collaborated on the song, and was rumored to have an affair which has not accepted Tuna confirm.

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