Sunday, August 18, 2013

In Kukes again hit with stones buses Kosovo

A bus with students Kosovo, which was traveling from Kukes Morine border crossing point to Kukes was stoned during the trip. The incident happened at a place called "Rexhepaj", about 10 kilometers away from the town of Kukes, BW reports. According to information before it is known that the bus was stoned by breaking a glass window from the right wing by terrified passengers. From this incident, thankfully there were no injuries among the passengers who immediately notified police. The latter has just taken and denouncing went to the scene and is currently working to find the author or authors of this event. The first data that confirmed the blue department, says that at the time of the event some children have been grazing cattle on the upper road. The same sources say that the students were returning from vacation on the coast where thousands of refugees daily commute. So far there is no accompanied to the police station, but the police investigation continues. Shot bus or other vehicle with stones is not a new phenomenon. Often tourists in the fall booty of these actions adversely affecting not only to tourists but also self tourist season.

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