Friday, August 16, 2013

Only Albanians make counterfeit passports with such fantasy

A forged passport in Albania World and stuck at a border point. Such a passport can only invent the mind of a forger, because there is no world passports, passport has only states, and diplomatic service. Such forgeries were not lacking fantasy in our country. "We have devised fantasy documents. We named Rhodesia passport, issued by the state of Rhodesia, while there is no country named Rhodesia, but today we Zimbabwe. Or have a passport issued by the Republic of Satan. A case in point is a global passport which is called identification. So is a document produced by fantasy. This is one of dozens of cases that we have found in our office. Are stopping people who have mastered these documents at the border and arrived for examination in our institution, "says Victor Heydari, Head of Forensic Laboratory Division. Have fallen victim to counterfeiting senior officials who were copied signatures. "Having a long experience in this work have been cases that the state the highest peaks to people easier. Since the pyramid of the state to the simple citizen. We have examined here forging firm Prime Minister of Albania, mayor, city court president, police directors, etc., "says Mr. Heydari. For Mr. Heydari state should increase the security elements in official documents. "I suggest that important documents state should implement safeguards in the documents they produce. For example, a document coming from the Prime Minister could not come up with a simple sheet of A4 format that is sold in the market, but should come with a sheet of A4 format must have at least one security feature that is filigree ", states it.

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